Teething is a procedure that many parents around the world wait anxiously for, but dread, when it comes to their child’s newborn’s development. Anywhere from the very first few months of age through their first year, babies are often teething.Many parents start believing that their babies are teething when they start to drool. Parents often search their child’s mouth for their first ever teeth by rubbing their fingers along their gums, looking & feeling for newly emerging teeth.Babies are then given some type of teethers such as silicone spherical teether. Teethers are basically toys that a baby can put into their mouth when their new teeth are developing.


Yes, silicone teethers are safe for babies. You will see that most of the silicone spherical teethers manufacturers will claim that their product is made from 100% food grade silicone means the silicone is rated as safe for use.

The silicone industry is growing each year since silicone is non-toxic & useful to many industries, including the medical field. The main teething products that experts warned against are teething necklaces & anything that stays attached to a baby while they sleep.

We absolutely must stress that you do not let your child sleep with anything attached to them or let them sleep with toys. You should always supervise your child any time they’re playing with any toy. As with any baby toy, there is a possibly for an item to become damaged & should be discarded immediately.


As with any normal toy or object in your baby’s reach, you should always inspect our silicone spherical teethers before use. Silicone and wood are extremely durable and will last decades if they’re taken care of.

Damage to be on the lookout for includes damaged silicone, damaged wood, or some frayed strings. While our products are extremely durable, we still recommend you constantly check any toys your babe plays with for their own safety.


When choosing a teething toy, it is important to prioritize safety. Here are some tips:

  • Do not Buy Unbranded Products:Do not buy silicone spherical teethers made from untrusted brand. These types of silicone spherical teethers can be injurious for your child.
  • Avoid teething products that contain batteries:The batteries, battery caps, or their screws can pop off and present a choking risk.
  • Never let a baby play with any toy in bed or alone. This includes in the back of the car.
  • Avoid liquid-filled teething toys:They can pop when your baby bites down, exposing the baby to potentially unsafe liquid.
  • Look into the contents:Try to find BPA-free toys & check for any allergens and irritants. Because many people around the world are allergic to latex, consider avoiding products that contain latex, for example.
  • Babies develop attachments to a variety of objects, and different silicone spherical teethers work for different babies.
  • If possible, try to provide a variety of teethers like silicone teethers. Many babies prefer a range of surfaces, bright colors, & easy-to-grip toys.